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Math Links

Thanks for visiting the Budget Home$chool Math section! So, working Math problems is not your favorite way to spend an afternoon? Perhaps, these links will help you change your mind? Math is all around us, used in many ways we never realize. Math doesn't have to be dull, tedious or hard to understand, for that matter. This extensive set of links will provide plenty of fun, education and relief for the Math blues.

We've searched the web for the very best math sites available. Here you will find everything from basic math facts, both online and offline flash cards, algebra lessons, statistics and how to understand them, as well as division, story problems, tangrams, geometry and everything in between. Explore the exciting world of mathematics. Great for both children and adults.

[Math]  [/Parents]
    • Free and Inexpensive Math Curriculum Materialby Maria Miller Ages: 5+A free math program based on an online assessment test and assigned printable worksheets. Based on the samples, the math program seems basic and emphasizes calculation routines. But it's free.Subjects: math, parents, workbooks, ebooks, downloads, videos, tests

    • Fun, Ingenious, and Unusual Math Resources & Ideas - Homefiresby Fran Wisniewski Ages: 6 - 14The following list of math resources may fall under the traditional math radar — however, they often work better for teaching math concepts than more familiar textbooks and workbooks. These resources, compiled from recommendations by homeschool parents...Subjects: math, activities, curriculum, manipulatives, wokbooks, books,

    • The Best of ClickSchooling!® - Mathby Diane Flynn Keith Ages: 5 - 18ClickSchooling is a free e-newsletter that provides a daily review of an educational website that parents and teachers can use to help children and students learn every subject imaginable. Here are some of the best math websites she has featured...Subjects: math, parents, teaching, worksheets, download, printables, puzzles, games

    • Math And Science Song Information, Viewable Everywhereby Greg Crowther Ages: 8+Deciding whether a song is a science/math song is admittedly arbitrary to some extent. Songs whose lyrics are primarily about scientific/mathematical concepts, scientists/mathematicians, and/or the process of doing science/math all qualify for inclusion.Subjects: song, database, science, math, library, teaching

    • Teaching Mathematics How Early Can I Startby Linda C. BurksYou start teaching as soon as your baby is born. But when does a baby begin to learn math? A baby identifes patterns almost immediately. In the first few weeks of life, when parents thrive on sleeping schedules, babies thrive on feeding schedules.Subjects: math, babies, toddlers, preschoolers, articles, activities

    • Helping Your Child Learn Mathby Ed.Gov Ages: 5 - 15A pamphlet for parents of young children. It encourages interacting with children in math activities at home, at the grocery store, on the road, or just for the fun of it. As our children go about their daily lives expoloring and discovering...Subjects: math, fun, money, fractions, riddles, time

    • Articles on Math Learning Topicsby Julie Brennan Ages: 6+Informational resource for non traditional math learning methods and materials. In one main article, many ideas home educators may consider in trying to make sense of the dizzying choices in math curriculums and methods to use.Subjects: math, articles, learning ideas, reviews, games, lessons, videos

    • Math Q & A by Cafi Cohen Ages: 5+Cafi Cohen discusses teaching math. She advises... Saxon is not the best program for everyone. Make sure that you and your daughter choose a program together. This makes the audience much more receptive!Subjects: math, questions, answers, facts, articles