Budget Homeschool Links
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[/Economics] | A Naturally Clean Home . . . and Baby!by Lisa Barthuly Ages: 15+Do you have any idea what is in those cleaners you are exposing your family to?
Wouldn't you love to be able to clean your home without breathing harsh chemicals with unknown side effects? Discover what is inside everyday cleaners, both for your house and for your body. Learn about practical solutions and homemade recipes that will save you money and will help you create a healthier environment for your family.Subjects: resource, E-book, chemicals, poison, practical solutions, cleaning, homemade recipes, formaldehyde, carcinogens, toothpaste, swimming pool chemicals, safer clean, healthy environment
| High School Home Economicsby Kim Ooms Ages: 8 - 18 Design your own Home Economics course using Proverbs 31 as your outline. Type out verses 10-31, inserting specific homemaking skills after each verse. Some of the projects can be enjoyed by your family, given as gifts, or saved in a hope chest.Subjects: verses, knitting, crocheting, cooking, shopping, gardening
Kids and Moneyby Money Instructor Ages: 6 - 18This category is all about kids and money. About learning to save money for your kids. We have also included some suggested material to help you teach kids money skills, including basic money skills, money management, personal finance...Subjects: money, personal finance, allowances, starting business, material, games, activities
How to Teach Teenagers About Moneyby Dave Ramsey Ages: 12 - 19Once they get past age 12, they are adults in training. As the grown-up of the house, it's your job to teach them what they need to know so they can survive on their own when it's time to move out. If you don't prepare them for that, then don't make plans to remodel their bedroom. They'll still need it. You are the parent, so act like it. Sit down with your kids one by one and show them how to make a budget.Subjects: article, teenagers, responsibility, long-term savings, goal setting, foolish, debt, marriage, millionaires, credit card
Home Ec Lessons & Activities Indexby Kathryn Martinez and Easy Fun School Ages: 8 - 16This index includes home economics lessons and activities, fun food thematic snacks, and the "Incorporating Cooking" series that gives simple recipes from foreign countries.Subjects: fun food, bread machine, homemade gifts, international recipes
Want vs. Need: Basic Economics Ages: 5 - 15A need is something you have to have, something you can't do without. A good example is food. If you don't eat, you won't survive for long. Many people have gone days without eating, but they eventually ate a lot of food. You might not need a whole lot of food, but you do need to eat.Subjects: want, need, music, vitamins, minerals, protein, quiz, economics,
 Investing ABCs: teaching your children about stocksby 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy Ages: 8 - 18More and more youngsters and teens are becoming fascinated by the stock market. Choosing stocks, tracking their performance, and making money can be exciting, challenging and rewarding. But, as experienced investors know, the market also can be frustrating and risky, especially during volatile times. To help kids understand the risks and rewards of the stock market, parents need to talk to their children about investing. Here is some advice to help parents get started.Subjects: money, stocks, investing, habits, saving, salary, mutual funds, money, articles, tools, FAQs
How to Create a Personal Budget: Tracking Expenses Ages: 12+Keep your receipts, and write on your budget tracking worksheet all your expenses. Don't forget to also track all purchases made with cash, including small items. These will be more difficult to track (if you don't get a receipt), but try to write down as much as you can with a paper and pencil. You may want to keep a little notebook with you to write down expenses as they occur.Subjects: article, expenses, spending, personal budget, money management skills, income vs expenses, receipts, cash, worksheet, variable expenses, fixes expenses
Comparison Shopping Lesson Plan Ages: 12 - 16When shopping, often you need to look at more than an items price, but other aspects as well. This is called comparison shopping. One thing you may look at is the amount of each item as well as the price. If you have found an item that sells for less per unit, then you have discovered the better bargain!Subjects: lesson, comparison shopping, deals, bargain, best value, quality, estimate, worksheet
Making Centsby Finance First Partnership Ages: 7 - 12Most of us want to be good with our money. With so many choices influencing how we spend, borrow and save, it's no wonder that many people find it challenging. That's what MakingCents is all about. MakingCents is a resource for teachers and parents and contains practical information and teaching materials to help Australians understand and manage their money.Subjects: resource, money, financial literacy, skills assessment, interactive, lessons, credit card, budget Location: Australia
Prepaid Allowance Cards for Teens Ages: 13 - 18New allowance cards take the concept of allowance and updates it for 21st century, available nationally, this new tool provides lesson plans and parental controls that help teach your child how to manage his or her own money safely and conveniently.Subjects: teens, money, financial independence, spending habits
Credits and Debits: Understanding Practical Money Managementby Briana Ages: 10 - 19It's commonly said and assumed that money makes the world go round. Without money, we wouldn't be able to do many things we take for granted today, including buying or selling goods. Unfortunately, too many consumers today have never received much in the way of formal education about handling personal accounts. Without the proper knowledge, it's easy to fall into risky financial habits, such as overspending and going into debt.Subjects: resource, links, formal education, ancient civilizations, interest, prepaid credit card, coins, checks, credit cards, history of money, spend and savings, debit cards, ATM,
Money Savvy Pig Ages: 10+One slot piggy banks have been around for....centuries. But the world has changed. Now we have a highly sophisticated financial system, a system whose complexity has outstripped the ability of most adults, many of whom grapple with credit card debt, even bankruptcy.Subjects: resource, finance education, credit cards, bankruptcy, savings, spending, donations, invest, videos
How To Teach Your Child Manners Ages: 4+Teach your child manners in stages, as his comprehension and skills develop. It probably won't do any good to ask a 2-year-old to stop chewing with his mouth open; he probably lacks the understanding and physical coordination to comply. But by 4 or 5 years of age, your child should have the ability to grasp the reasoning behind such a rule.Subjects: manners, etiquette, polite, respect, bad behavior, private, praise
What is Home Economics - Research, Tradition and Historyby Albert R. Mann Library Ages: 14 - 19The term "home economics" may call up stereotypical images of girls busily sewing and cooking in 1950s classrooms, images that have led many people to view this field as fundamentally narrow, dull, and socially conservative. In the 1960s and 1970s, the women's movement was often critical of home economics, seeing it as a discipline that worked to restrict girls and women to traditional domestic and maternal roles.Subjects: article, home economics, women, research, legislature, social environment, teach principles, cooking schools, cookbooks, agriculture
Teaching Kids To Save & Invest Wiselyby Gary D. Halbert Ages: 18+It doesn't matter if your kids or grandkids are adolescents in their early teens or if they are grown adults of any age. We are never too old or too well off to save and invest wisely.Subjects: teaching, finance, investment, money, kids, motivation, saving
Money and Your Kids Wants vs. Needsby PBS Ages: 9 - 16Sometimes there's no getting around it -- you have to spend money on things that you need right away, like lunch, or socks, or a new tire for your bike. Other times you might spend money on something you really want, like an MP3 player or a GameBoy. In order to know when to spend and when to save, it helps to know the difference between needs and wants.Subjects: lesson, money, expense, savings, food, needs vs wants, hobbies, sports, games, goals, spend wisely
Student Recipe Guide - Instruction for beginners - Yum Yumby Eric Chudler Ages: 10 - 19Most cookbooks will tell you that it takes time and energy to prepare an elegant meal. Forget it! Cooking a good tasting meal can be easy, fast and does not even require much planning. While students do not have much time to shop for food or prepare meals, they can make good tasting food.Subjects: resource, cooking, food processor, ease of preparation, microwave, spice, seasoning, dried herbs, onion powder,
The Twelve Months - Lesson Plan - Cinderella Stories (A Slavic Cinderella Variant)by Jean D. Rusting Ages: 5 - 15Students will locate Slavic countries and identify a few characteristics of those countries. They will indentify the seasons of the year in their own part of the world and write "Seasons of the Year"poetry. There are many more lessons...Subjects: objectives, material, strategies, spelling, writing, library/research
Small Cap Investing: What A Bank Robber Can Teach You About Investingby Marc Lichtenfeld Ages: 14+Want to get ahead in the investment world? Just follow the advice of infamous bandit, Willie Sutton. When asked why he robbed banks, Sutton had a ridiculously logical answer: "Because that's where the money is." Subjects: investing, advice, stock, recession, money, bear market
Multimedia art activities for Exploring mannersby Humanity Quest Ages: 12 - 16Use the Microsoft Agent and Mash to put together a skit or theater piece that explores manners. Microsoft has many well designed lessons and activities. A range of lessons for early childhood through college-age from the Incredible Art Department.Subjects: links, collegs, manners, interviews, graphs, scientific, respect, lesson plans, teachings aids, metaphor, Kodak
Saving & Investing Wisely - Part II Teaching Your Adult Children To Saveby Gary D. Halbert Ages: 10+This week, I will discuss how to help your ADULT children or grandchildren become better savers. You might not think it is necessary (or even your business) to teach your adult children to become better savers. Yet we face a savings crisis in America as I will point out below. And as I stressed in Part I of this series, I believe it is our obligation as parents to teach our kids to save and invest wisely.Subjects: article, save, invest, parents, grandparents, statistics, after tax, credit card debt, college students, retirement
Goodbye Marvin Gardens - Hello Golden Gate Bridgeby Shawn and Annette Hall Ages: 8+One of the best improvements this game has over the original is the minimal clean-up time. There is no cash to dole out when setting up, no cash to get ripped and mangled during heated play and best of all, no money to clean up when the game is done.Subjects: math, monopoly, game, ATM, finance, money