
BudgetHome$ - You CAN afford to homeschool!

Celebrate National Computer Learning Month

Celebrate National Computer Learning Month

October Holidays

Celebrate National Book Month with a trip to the library or your local book store, take the kids to story hour. If you don't normally read to the kids, make a special effort this month to read to them on a daily basis.

Get the kids interested in learning about how the family computer works by celebrating National Computer Learning Month.

October is the month for healthy living. Celebrate healthy living with the National Campaign for Healthier Babies Month, Children's Health Month, and National Family Health Month. While you are trying to stay healthy, be safe during Crime Prevention Month.

Education Related

Awareness Related

National Book Month Vegetarian Awareness Month
Trick or Treat for UNICEF Month Brain Injury Awareness Month
National Computer Learning Month National Campaign for Healthier Babies Month
Let's Talk Month Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Adopt-A-Dog Month National Disability Employment Awareness Month
Halloween Safety Month Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness Month
Crime Prevention Month National Spina Bifida Awareness Month
Auto Battery Safety Month National Lupus Awareness Month
National Kitchen and Bath Month World Blindness Awareness Month
National Dental Hygiene Month Rett Syndrome Awareness Month

Food Related

Health Related

National Dessert Month Talk About Prescriptions Month
National Popcorn Poppin' Month Children's Health Month
National Pretzel Month Healthy Lung Month
National Seafood Month National Family Health Month
National Pork Month Cold and Flu Campaign Month
National Cookie Month National Spinal Health Month
National Chili Month National Physical Therapy Month
National Caramel Month Health Literacy Month
National Apple Month National Orthodontic Health Month
Eat Country Ham Month Medical Librarians Month
Budget Homeschool

Celebrate October Holidays

Budget Homeschool

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