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Celebrate National Asparagus Month

Celebrate National Asparagus Month

May Holidays

The month of May brings flowers and lots of occasions to celebrate the newness of life and all it has to offer. Take the entire family outdoors, learn to play tennis and celebration National Tennis Month.

May is a good time to spruce up your car after the long winter months, enjoy asparagus — celebrate National Asparagus Month, and learn how to breathe easier this month — celebrate National Breathe Easy Month.

Get that camera out and start snapping pictures in celebration of National Photo Month, maybe even enter a contest or two.

In honor of National Egg Month, why not challege the kids to find a different way to prepare eggs for every day this month. Think you can do it?

Education Related

Awareness Related

National Good Car Care Month National Tennis Month
National Sight-Saving Month Ultraviolet Awareness Month
Revise Your Work Schedule Month Clean Air Month
National Photo Month Healthy Vision Month
Graduation Month Older Americans Month

Food Related

Health Related

National Chocolate Custard Month Better Sleep Month
National Strawberry Month National Arthritis Month
National Salad Month Asthma & Allergy Awareness Month
National Egg Month Better Hearing & Speech Month
National Barbecue Month National Breathe Easy Month
National Hamburger Month Correct Posture Month
National Asparagus Month National Physical Fitness & Sports Medicine Month
Budget Homeschool

Celebrate May Holidays

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