Budget Homeschool Links
Camping Resources, Tips and Links!
One of my most treasured memories is a skiing trip I took one winter, with my Girl Scout
Troup to Grayling, Michigan. The girls all became great friends, perhaps some lasted a
life-time. These are the things we remember from our childhood.
One of the greatest gifts we can give to our children is fond memories, new friends and
all the fun of summer camp. Welcome to the Budget Home$chool Camping section! Whether
you need to find a summer camp for the kids, a daycamp just during working hours, unique
camping recipes or camping ideas, you are certain to find something of interest here.
If camping isn't really your thing, don't worry, we've even included links to suggestions on how
to camp, without the whole bug crawling camping experience (you know what I mean; lack of showers,
lumpy sleeping bags, etc.).
You will find both popular and obscure camping information.
Many of the camping programs found below and on our
Summer Camp page page offer scholarship programs for those who are unable
to attend due to distress with their
personal finance.
Click for tips on paying for summer camp.
[/Cooking Tips] | | Campfire Cooking Tips and Open Fire Cooking Recipesby The Original Fire Pie Company Ages: 18+No matter how beautiful the weather, how breathtaking the scenery, or how much fun you have fishing and hiking, it seems that the best part of camping out is the food cooked over the campfire.Subjects: camp cooking, cast iron, cooking gear, campfire, cookbooks, preparation, meals, recipes, pie iron tips, camp fire, check list, utensils
Better Dutch Oven Cookingby Dutch Oven Dude Ages: 16+Dutch oven cooking is one of the most splendid activities on a camping trip. Transforming raw materials into an aromatic, mouth-watering meal or dessert is as much art as science. Just the looks of anticipation on everyone's faces when you lift the lid...Subjects: cooking, Dutch oven, camping trip, meals, activities, raw materials, desert, science, recipes, breakfast, dinner, dessert, seasoning, cleaning, storing
Outdoor Cooking Ages: 10+There is something very special about camp cooking. Everything just seems to taste so very good at camp! But camp cooking requires a different set of rules...Subjects: camping, outdoor cooking, kitchen checklist, cooking methods, tips, recipes, equipment, supplies, books, planning, preparing
Byron's Dutch Oven Cooking Tips & Techniquesby Byron Bills Ages: 14+Learn how to regulate and control outdoor Dutch oven cooking temperatures, including pictorial listings of needed Dutch oven cooking tools and other helpful items.Subjects: dutch oven, cooking tips, cooking techniques, cooking temperature, campfire tips, tools, items, oven care, recipes, briquittes, humidity, sunlight, simmer, bake, roast
Camping Tips Ages: 12+Make your life in the great outdoors safer, easier, and more fun with these camping tips. You'll learn how to cook with Dutch ovens, how to make homemade gear, the best way to build a campfire, how to buy a tent, and anything else you can imagine.Subjects: outdoors, camping, dutch oven, gear, campfires, tips, safety, tents, free recipes, winter camping, backpacking, checklists, condiments, food storage, guides
Camp Cooking Tipsby Love the Outdoors Ages: 10+Camp cooking tips, recipes and other helpful advice for your next family camping trip. Put a pan of hot water on the fire while you eat so that it'll be ready for cleanup when you are done. Subjects: outdoor cooking, resources, ingredients, tips, labeling, preparing, safety, ventilation, fireproof equipment, quick meals, food storage, storage tips, energy boosting snacks
Campers' Cooking Tipsby John Rust Consulting Ages: 18+Tips on setting up your camp kitchen, selecting your cooking gear and utensils, and making life easier for the camp chef. Cooking can be as simple as you want. Everyone has their own style. Some of these tips might fit into your plans.Subjects: camping gear, utensils, camp trips, camp sites, campgrounds, tents, tips, check lists, wildlife
Camping Food Easy and Warm Camping Mealsby Marc Wiltse Ages: 16+While coolers can work well in some situations, ice or electricity isn't always available making freeze dried food very attractive. While removing the water helps preserve camping food it also has another benefit...Subjects: camping food, camping meals, hiking, backpacking, coolers, refrigerators, dehydration, containers, cookware
Cooking Baked ApplesBaked apples are a fun, easy dessert to cook in the fire when you're camping. The basic idea is to core of the center of the apple, fill the center with a filling, wrap the whole thing in foil, and cook it in the fire.Subjects: baked apples, outdoor cooking, dessert recipes, cooking tips, open fires, charcoal, foil, technology
Dutch Oven Cookingby Floyd Crandall Ages: 16+In the world of big wagon cattle outfits, a cook was hired more for his ability to drive a chuck wagon pulled by a team of draft horses more than for his cooking skills...Subjects: Dutch oven cooking, sourdough cooking, ranch Cooking, bean dish, cooking meat, dump cake, seasons, utensils, controlling heat, cooking skills, mule man, techniques, tips, recipes
How to Clean a Fishby eHow Sports & Fitness Editor Ages: 14+You've played, now you must pay. Before you enjoy the sublime taste of fresh-caught fish, you have to clean and prepare it. It's an easy process, and a necessary one.Subjects: instructions, tips, washing, cutting, cooking, fish, contaminants, scales, scraping, gills, rinse cavity, knife, short strokes, fresh water
Outdoor Cooking and Recipesby Steve Tobin Ages: 14+Good meals prepared and served in the outdoors are a special treat, and a boost to any activity. Here are recipes for activities ranging from light-weight backpacking to base and long-term camps.Subjects: recipes, cooking, preparation, emergency food packs, backpacking meals, sourdough bread, camping, cooking, cooking cleanup, dehydration
Tips for the Patrol Cookby Robin E. Holbrook Ages: 10+The patrol cook is in charge of the food for an overnight trip...Subjects: basic supplies, food supplies, recipes, summer camp, winter camp, hiking, backpacking, patrol cook, recipes, menus
Beginner's Gas Grillingby Charlie McMurrey Ages: 12 - 18We separate gas grilling from charcoal and wood grills because, really, they are two different animals. Gas, unlike charcoal and wood derives its source from propane, butane or natural gas...Subjects: barbecuing, tips, recipes, smokers, grills, spices, secrets, guide, beginner grilling, gas, charcoal, cooking, fish, chicken, pork, steaks, cleaning grill
Cooking and Cleaning Crabsby The Fish Sniffer Ages: 16+Do you like crab? Take the crab after it is cooked, place the crab, top side up, in your left hand (assuming you are right handed). At the rear of the crab, take your thumb and stick it under the edge of the top shell.Subjects: crab, outdoor burners, outdoor cooking, camping, cooking, cleaning, twist claws, recipe, ingredients, freezing, handling
Dutch Oven Cookingby Mike Audleman Ages: 12+The reason for this book is to provide reference material for an individual who is planning or cooking a meal for six to ten people.Subjects: dutch oven, outdoor cooking, camping, scouts, recipes, techniques, main dishes, seafood, measurements, cleaning, preperation, substitutions
BBQ Tips and Opinionsby Ravnhaus Ages: 18+These are lessons I have learned, facts I have acquired, and opinions I have formed through my own experiences, and opinions I have embraced through direct and indirect communication with other individuals who share my passion for the BBQ ritual.Subjects: barbeque pits, history of barbecue, indirect cooking, lump charcoal, pork, propane, smoke, thermometers, wood
Byron's Dutch Oven Cookingby Byron Bills Ages: 10+In July of 2002 I decided to publish this web page dedicated to promoting Dutch oven and outdoor camp cooking hoping that by sharing some general Dutch oven information, a few cooking tips, and a handful of recipes, others might benefit from this informatSubjects: cooking tips, recipes, dutch ovens, camp cooking, oven care, seasoning, storing ovens, cooking temperature
Everything you want to know about grills, grilling and barbecuesby Cliff Lowe Ages: 14+Well, let us speak of many things concerning the art of cookouts and barbecuing. Somehow, the term barbecue or BBQ has come to be misused. The idea has come to be that if anything is cooked over any kind of open fire or on a gas or charcoal grill, it is bSubjects: grilling, camping, cooking, barbequing, wines, cheeses, chicken, spareribs, recipes, cookers, charcoal fire
Safe Eating Tips and Proper Cooking and Cleaning Recommendationsby Minnesota Department of Health Ages: 16+Mercury and PFOS cannot be removed through cooking or cleaning -- they get into the flesh of the fish. However, you can reduce the amount of other contaminants like PCBs by following these tips when eating fish.Subjects: fish, safe eating, Mercury, sunfish, crappies, cleaning, cooking, tips, cutting, removing skin, trimming, contamination, skin, fat
 Fish Cooking Techniques Ages: 18+On this page you'll find many cooking methods and guidelines. Also you'll find some basic and not so basic brines, marinades, sauces, stuffing, etc...Subjects: fish cooking, techniques, guidelines, methods, baking, barbecuing, steaming, recipes, deep fry, breaded fish, measurements, thickness, brines, marinades, sauces